Elizabeth Kaiser


Los Angeles County

Phone: (213) 426-3600


Elizabeth J. Kaiser started as an Associate with La Follette in December of 2023. Previously, she was a law clerk with the firm, beginning in May of 2022.

She primarily specializes in defending healthcare providers in medical malpractice actions. She received her JD from LMU Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, California, USA. Prior thereto, she received her BA in Political Science and Criminology from the University of Denver, Colorado, USA in 2020. Leading to her legal studies, Elizabeth worked with Judicial Arbiter Group in Denver, Colorado, USA. In 2021, she joined The Atticus Project—a team of law students, attorneys, and artificial intelligence experts—where she contributed to the development contract-analyzing software.

In her spare time, she researches and authors in the field of unmanned aviation and has been involved in many projects centered around astronomical studies—such as a study of Venusian climate, made possible by NASA; and the study of gravitational waves, made possible by the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy.